Frequently Asked Questions

For a travel blog, you don't seem to travel that much... I know, right?  I started this blog in 2008 when my position required lots of travel - I averaged 150-200 nights a year in hotels for about seven years.  A couple of promotions and job changes later, there's very little travel in my career but  I decided to keep the same blog name because it's true, I have my passport and I'm willing to travel!  

Do you miss traveling?  I miss my friends around the world and I wouldn't change the life experiences I made while traveling for work, but these days I'm happily married and would rather go on adventures with my best guy.  

How did you get your job traveling?  I can say with all honesty that I was in the right place at the right time.  A good balance of experience and hard work paid off when an opportunity presented itself.

Where do you work? After almost thirteen years with my previous company, I changed jobs (twice!) in 2018. In the interest of privacy and corporate policies, I choose not to disclose any information about my employer.
Why do you have a blog? You're not that great.  I couldn't agree with you more; like 99% of bloggers, I'm likely blogging to an audience that consists of my mom and a few people who find my blog on accident.  Actually, I take that back, unless I'm out of the country, I doubt my mom reads here! I didn't post for a couple years, even when I was overseas!  But in 2017, I felt the itch to talk more about the everyday adventures.

I started a blog ( before my second trip to India after a couple people asked why I didn't keep a blog the first time.  Honestly, I didn't know how regularly I would update it, nor did I think that many people would read it.  I used a free tool by google to track how many visitors came to my blog, and I was surprised to see that my blog was getting 50-75 pageviews a day on my month-long adventure.  As my travels continued, I decided to try to blog more regularly about wherever I go!

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© Has Passport, Will Travel. Design by Fearne.