The boyfriend and I spent our weekend in El Paso taking in as many sights as possible. Taking advantage of his flexible work schedule, he flew into the Sun City Friday at 7pm and we immediately headed east towards Cattleman's Steakhouse at Indian Cliffs Ranch in Fabens, Texas. Anytime I told a local that I had never been there, I was treated to a look of shock and then urged to go check it out; yet the 35 minute drive kept the restaurant on my 'to do' list.
Holy cow, talk about an awesome dinner. But before I talk food, I've got to tell you about Cattleman's ranch. On the drive from I-10 to the ranch provided a beautiful view of west Texas' desert and the beginning of sunset, yet our starving stomachs left us wondering what was in store behind the property walls. As we turned in we could see the petting zoo before catching a glimpse of a wild coyote maybe thirty feet from the driveway.
We climbed the drive, following the signs to the restaurant at the top of the hill. As we exited my rental Jeep Liberty, we are greeted by the sounds of peacock and peahen calls. Well, more like screams, but whatever. We made our way towards the entrance but I stopped to pet the dog hanging out in the parking lot. The dog clearly didn't have a care in the world and barely raised his head for a pat from me. After our dog stop, we paused to admire the historic cannons and war display just before the entrance.
The long hallway that doubled as a waiting room gave a glimpse into just how long people are willing to wait for a meal here. We skipped the hostess stand to freshen up and then checked out the hall of fame, featuring movies filmed at Indian Cliffs Ranch.
We shared an appetizer and then ordered our favorite steaks which were grilled to perfection. I'm not a big coleslaw fan, but it was sweet and crunchy and delicious. What steak dinner is served without a baked potato? Dinner was also served with a side of beans (we are in the south, after all) that sat mostly untouched.
After our dinner and a stop to the gift shop, we made our way back outdoors. My neurotic fear of snakes kept us in the middle of the parking lot, away from any landscaping. After I was safely in the car, we began the forty-minute trek back to El Paso.
If you ever find yourself near El Paso, make sure you stop in Fabens for one of the best steak dinners you'll ever have.
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