WOW. What an adventure this has been!
When I first decided to keep a blog for this trip...I wasn't really sure how this would go. I appreciate each of you who followed my journey. I am well aware that I am not the best writer, but I loved sharing every step along the way.
I just finished my last lunch at Okra. I said goodbye to the people who have patiently waited on me over the last 22 days. They are an attentive staff...they know my beverage preferences, and the manager brought me a copy of Business World to show me a story about BPOs (Business Process Outsourcing, what my company does) because they knew what we do! The article focused on domestic BPOs here in India, but a very interesting article none the less.
I always try to be a gracious guest when traveling internationally. Don't get me wrong - I stand out like a sore thumb in any country I visit, but I pride my self on trying the local food and following local customs. I would hate to be the epitome of an arrogant American and demand things be the same as back home. I'll admit, there have been a few times where I've had to remind myself "When in Rome..." One American woman that I met in the Executive Lounge told me how she has survived for a week on peanut butter crackers from home and bottled water. I thought to myself, when she looks back on her trip, what is she going to remember? I feel fortunate knowing that my memories will be of my friends here, the food we ate and the fun we had together.
While I have missed home, I can't say that I am excited for the 30 hour journey ahead of me. Hyderabad to London to Chicago and back to Des Moines. The funny thing is; my one hour flight from Chicago to Des Moines might just seem like the longest part of the trip. I know I will be filled with anticipation to see my loved ones.
I've also missed my freedom. Leaving the hotel has been controlled by security. I haven't driven in almost a month. Last time when I returned, I accidentally turned into oncoming traffic (on an empty street) thank goodness my sister was there to remind me that in the US, we drive on the right side of the road. :) Maybe it would be best if Meredith drives me around for the first couple of days...
It really has been an honor to travel here. I have been given to opportunity to work with amazing people and I know that I have learned just as much as I taught on this trip. I feel proud that my company values me and has allowed me to contribute to a world class organization.
I also want to give a shout out to my parents and sister...they have been caring for my puppies I know those dogs have been spoiled rotten. Thank you!
Those of you who know me well know that I am a crier. Its just who I am. I know that I will be sad to leave my friends here - goodbyes are never fun. I will leave with a sense of accomplishment that I completed my objectives for this trip, but also with sadness. I'm not sure when or if I will get a chance to return to see everyone.
I'll be sure to post to let you know when I have safely returned!
Much Love,
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